“Millennials” Tag

Image: girl holding a printed financial statement.

Increase ROI with Well-Designed Customer Documents

FSSI logo Kelly McConville on April 22, 2020

Document Design Tips for Transactional Documents Transactional customer documents are an integral part of any business. They offer the opportunity to regularly communicate with your customers. Whether you produce your monthly transactional statements in-house or work with an outsourcing print-mail vendor like...

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Image: young person opening up an envelope.

Millennials Love Direct Mail: Common Myths Busted

FSSI logo FSSI Marketing on April 6, 2020

The Truth About Millennials and Direct Mail Marketing It’s a modern myth that millennials are the “paperless” generation. The idea that the Digital Age has changed the role of printed mail is correct, but direct mail marketing remains one of the most effective tools to deliver messages, offers, products...

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Image: a variety of names demonstrating personalized messaging.

Personalize Marketing Documents with Variable Data Printing

FSSI logo Heather Brunson on June 27, 2019

Variable Data Printing (VDP): Increasing Response Rates and Enhancing Customer Experience Variable data printing (VDP) is a powerful tool used in personalized marketing to improve response rates, resonate with customers, and enhance the overall customer experience. By incorporating personalization into...

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Image: a group of young adults holding up their friend.

Credit Union Marketing Strategies for Generation Z?

FSSI logo Kelly McConville on February 21, 2018

How Credit Unions Can Effectively Market to Millennials and Gen Z Marketing to Millennials and Gen Z requires a nuanced approach that takes into account their distinct characteristics and preferences. While Millennials are typically considered digital natives, Gen Z has grown up with technology as an integral...

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Image: megaphone with the text calling all millennials.

Millennial Marketing Strategies: How to Market to Millennials?

FSSI logo Kelly McConville on March 10, 2017

How to Market to Millennials: Design, Technology, Personalization Every generation forces the Marketing Industry to change tactics. Millennials, who range between the ages of 18 to 34, are no exception. Marketers must rethink traditional advertising strategies if they hope to engage with today's consumers....

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Image: variety of examples of customer documents.

Document Design Strategies for Millennials

FSSI logo Kelly McConville on September 2, 2015

Millennial Marketing Millennials have tremendous purchasing power and matter to your future growth. Ignoring this growing demographic's need for ease, simplicity, and convenience could cost you dearly. Marketing to millennials can be tough, but we will discuss how to use document redesign strategies to better...

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